
Welcome | Donation (DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com): https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09PDZWKK9

Henry Garrett · Independent Researcher · Department of Mathematics · DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com · Manhattan, NY, USA

Best regards,
Email: DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com

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Link to my publication list

-Email: @DrHenryGarrett (DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com)
-Website: @DrHenryGarrett (https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com)
-Amazon: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.amzn.com/author/drhenrygarrett)
-X: @DrHenryGarrett (https://x.com/DrHenryGarrett)
-X: @DrHenryGarrettX (https://x.com/DrHenryGarrettX)
-Goodreads Author: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.goodreads.com/drhenrygarrett )
-Academia: @DrHenryGarrett (https://independent.academia.edu/drhenrygarrett/)
-Scribd: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.scribd.com/DrHenryGarrett)
-LinkedIn: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.linkedin.com/in/drhenrygarrett/)
-Instagram: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.instagram.com/drhenrygarrett/)
-YouTube: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.youtube.com/@DrHenryGarrett)
-Telegram: @DrHenryGarrett (https://t.me/drhenrygarrett)
-Facebook: @DrHenryGarrett1 (https://www.facebook.com/DrHenryGarrett1)
-Facebook Page: @DrHenryGarrettNY (https://www.facebook.com/DrHenryGarrettNY)
-ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henry-Garrett-2
-Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=enuser=SUjFCmcAAAAJview_op=list_workssortby=pubdate
-ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2840-4213
-Advisory Board Member in Preprints.org @Preprints_org: https://www.preprints.org/advisory_board#G
-Editorial Board Member in Journal of Neutrosophic Systems with Applications (NSWA): https://sciencesforce.com/index.php/nswa/about/editorialTeam
-Editorial Board Member in Journal of Space Exploration: https://www.tsijournals.com/journals/journal-of-space-exploration-editors.html
-Editorial Board Member in Trade Science Inc Journals @tsi_journals: https://www.tsijournals.com/journals/journal-of-space-exploration-editors.html
-Program Committee Member of the “5th International Conference on Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (CEEE 2024) @AIRCCFP”: https://ceee2024.org/committee
-Peer Reviewer in Science Publishing Group (SciencePG) @SciencePG:
-Peer Reviewer in American Journal of Computer Science and Technology (ISSN Online: 2640-012X, ISSN Print: 2640-0111): http://www.ajcst.org/reviewers
-Editorial Board Member in Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM) (ISSN: 2834-7706 | DOI: 10.33140/JMTCM): https://www.opastpublishers.com/journal/journal-of-mathematical-techniques-and-computational-mathematics/editorial-board

My CV is here (05/27/2024).

I would like to inform you that my #achievement needs no further modifications before it can be announced publicly on “Welcome to be part of our Advisory Board. And welcome to join and celebrate it”.

It is with honor that that my #achievement has been accepted for announcement.

My #achievement is checked through and I don’t need to revise it to prove it different from other applications to avoid possible suspicion of conflicts of interests.

I would like to recommend updating the literature I cite to include more recent certificates by scientific venue.

I would like to thank you for your support on “Welcome to be part of our Advisory Board. And welcome to join and celebrate it”.

And wish you every success in the future.

\cvsection{Awards and Achievements}

\cvevent{Aug 2023}{Award: Selected as an Advisory Board Member to Preprints.org}{\href{https://www.preprints.org/advisory_board}{Preprints.org}}{Award: Selected as an \href{https://www.preprints.org/advisory_board}{Advisory Board Member} to Preprints.org
}{“Preprints.org is a free preprint server subsidized by MDPI in Basel, Switzerland. Preprints.org is a multidiscipline platform providing preprint service that is dedicated to making early versions of research outputs permanently available and citable. We post original research articles and comprehensive reviews, and papers can be updated by authors as long as the updated content has not been published online. Content on Preprints.org is not peer-reviewed and can receive feedback from readers.”}


Full TitlePreprints
ISO4 Abbreviated TitlePreprints
ISSN (electronic)2310-287X
Publisher LocationBasel, Switzerland
Postal AddressMDPI, St. Alban-Anlage 66, 4052 Basel, Switzerland
Editorssee: Advisory Board
Publication Frequencycontinuous
Publication Mediumelectronic only
Publication Websitehttp://www.preprints.org
First Year Published2016


American Journal of Computer Science and Technology

I’m accepted as a reviewer in Science Publishing Group USA


and “Welcome to join their reviewer team”. A formal appointment letter of reviewer will be sent within three weeks. Then I can follow the prompts to tweet the certificate.

I’m accepted as a reviewer in Science Publishing Group USA


and “Welcome to join their reviewer team”. A formal appointment letter of reviewer will be sent within three weeks. Then I can follow the prompts to tweet the certificate.

I’m accepted as a reviewer in Science Publishing Group, USA.


and “Welcome to join their reviewer team”. A formal appointment letter of reviewer will be sent within three weeks. Then I can follow the prompts to tweet the certificate.

I would like to inform you that my position needs no further modifications before it can be announced publicly on “American Journal of Computer Science and Technology”.

It is with honor that I must inform you that my following position has been accepted for announcement.

My position is checked through and I don’t need to revise it to prove it different from other applications to avoid possible suspicion of conflicts of interests.

I would like to recommend updating the literature I cite to include more recent certificates from scientific venues.

I would like to thank you to @SciencePG and to “American Journal of Computer Science and Technology” for your support.

And wish you every success in the future. 

I would like to inform you that my case needs no further modifications before it can be announced publicly.

It is with honor that I must inform you that my case has been accepted for announcement and it’s available now.

PDF: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/certificate_for_reviewer.pdf

PDF by @Wordpress: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/certificate_for_reviewer.pdf

My name and affiliation is listed on the Publisher’s reviewer page: http://www.sciencepg.com/journal/peerreviewers?journalid=303

My name and affiliation is listed on the journal’s reviewer page: http://www.ajcst.org/reviewers

My name and affiliation is listed on the journal’s personal page: https://membership.sciencepg.com/DrHenryGarrett

Award: Diploma By Neutrosophic Science International Association Award: Distinguished Achievements

Honorary Membership

PDF: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/neutrosophicdiploma-henry-garrett.pdf

I’m in “Editorial Board” of the journal “Neutrosophic Systems with Applications(NSWA)”.

The reference is as follows.


I got a milestone at my scientific research career.

All people are warmly welcome to submit their unpublished articles in our journals. All people are invited to publish with us and it has some benefits.

Publisher’s Name: Sciences Force

Neutrosophic Systems with Applications
Journal abbreviation: Neutrosophic syst. appl.
eISSN 2993-7159, pISSN 2993-7140
Indexed/ranked/abstracted in ROAD, Crossref, ASCI, ResearchBib, WorldCat, OpenAlex, and Google Scholar.

I’m on the “Editorial Board” of the “Journal of Space Exploration” and the publisher of “Trade Science Inc. Journals @tsi_journals”.

The reference is as follows.


I got a milestone in my scientific research career.

All people are warmly welcome to submit their unpublished articles in our journals. All people are invited to publish with us and it has some benefits.

Publisher’s Name: Trade Science Inc. Journals @tsi_journals

Journal of Space Exploration
ISSN (Print):2319-9814
ISSN (Online):2319-9822
Indexed in

  1. International Innovative Journal Impact Factor (IIJIF)
  2. Scholarsteer
  3. Research Bible
  5. Google Scholar
  6. CNKI
  7. Open J-Gate
  8. Index Copernicus International (ICI)

I’m a “Program Committee Member” of the “5th International Conference on Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (CEEE 2024) @AIRCCFP”.

The reference is as follows.


I got a milestone in my scientific research career.

All people are warmly welcome to submit their unpublished articles to our conference. All people are invited to publish with us and it has some benefits.

5th International Conference on Applied Control, Electrical and Electronics Engineering (CEEE 2024) will provide an excellent international forum for sharing knowledge and results in theory, methodology and applications Applied Control Systems, Electrical Engineering and Electronics Engineering. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia and industry to focus on understanding Modern software engineering concepts and establishing new collaborations in these areas.

Authors are solicited to contribute to the conference by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to.

I want a website for my project. This project includes occasional posts. These posts are about the latest developments in my latest research book. This scientific research book contains several scientific research essays. In addition to the text of each part of the book, there are pictures of places where scientific research essays have been published. There are links to other social accounts in these posts. In fact, these posts contain links to videos designed on my YouTube channel about published research essays and books. Other parts of the website are separate from this blog. They are included in the website definition. The first page of the website contains a PDF file of my most recent resume and written information about accessing my other accounts. On this page, there is a gallery of my successes in scientific research essays, scientific research books and my positions in the scientific research profession. In this gallery, valid documents from my awards in this field and profession are uploaded. On the other page of the website, there is a special page for scientific research essays including citation and links about that scientific research essay. On the other page of the website, there is a special page for scientific research books, including citation and links about that scientific research book. This website briefly shows the stages of publishing my scientific research essays and my scientific research books along with its successes and related links and information. This website includes two blog sections and website pages that have posts and static pages. Sometimes the activities of this website are daily because I have published more than 300 scientific research essays and scientific research books and I have a lot of experience. My goal is to publish and inform about my scientific research essays and scientific research books. On the other hand, this website shows my scientific research life. This website contains all necessary information about my scientific research life, including awards and posts about scientific research essays and scientific research books, and information related to my other accounts. I’ve even created a section called Endorsements and Featured Credits that includes the latest endorsements from my other social accounts with links to them. An example of this website is available at the following address.

I’ve participated in all virtual conferences which are listed below [Some of them without selective process].


Also, I’ve participated in following events [Some of them without selective process]:

-The Hidden NORMS seminar

-Talk Math With Your Friends (TMWYF)

-MATHEMATICS COLLOQUIUM: https://www.csulb.edu/mathematics-statistics/mathematics-colloquium

-Lathisms: Cafe Con Leche

-Big Math network

I’m in mailing list in following [Some of them without selective process] organizations:
– [Algebraic-graph-theory] AGT Seminar (lists-uwaterloo-ca)

-Combinatorics Lectures Online (https://web.math.princeton.edu/~pds/onlinetalks/talks.html)

-Women in Combinatorics

CMSA-Seminar (unsw-au)

OURFA2M2 Online Undergraduate Resource Fair for the Advancement and Alliance of Marginalized Mathematicians

Link of my publication list

-Email: @DrHenryGarrett (DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com)

-Website: @DrHenryGarrett (https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com)

-Amazon: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.amzn.com/author/drhenrygarrett)

-Twitter: @DrHenryGarrett (www.twitter.com/DrHenryGarrett)

-Goodreads Author: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.goodreads.com/drhenrygarrett )

-Academia: @DrHenryGarrett (https://independent.academia.edu/drhenrygarrett/)

-Facebook Page: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.facebook.com/DrHenryGarrett)

-Scribd: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.scribd.com/DrHenryGarrett)

-LinkedIn: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.linkedin.com/in/drhenrygarrett/)

-Instagram: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.instagram.com/drhenrygarrett/)

-Telegram: @DrHenryGarrett (https://t.me/drhenrygarrett)

-Facebook: @DrHenryGarrettNYC (https://www.facebook.com/DrHenryGarrettNYC)

– ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Henry-Garrett-2

-Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=enuser=SUjFCmcAAAAJview_op=list_workssortby=pubdate

Article #93 (JCTCSR)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Article #105 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows. 





Article#133 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) (2023) 35-47. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/some-super-hyper-degrees-and-cosuper-hyper-degrees-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-super-hyper-graphs-alongside-a.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows. 





Article#216 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancers Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) (2023) 136-148. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets–5309.html


Article#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot-5648.html


Article#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot-5648.html


Article#107 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) (2023) 221-307. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros-5725.html


| Featured Tweets

Available at @WordPress @ResearchGate @Scribd @academia @ZENODO_ORG @Twitter @facebook @LinkedIn @Amazon @googlebooks @GooglePlay

Article #93 (JCTCSR)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04).

Article #105 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09).

Article #108 (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Garrett, Henry. “0049 | (Failed)1-Zero-Forcing Number in Neutrosophic Graphs.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research – Zenodo, Feb. 2022, https://oa.mg/work/10.13140/rg.2.2.35241.26724.

Article #109 (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Garrett, Henry. “-(Dual)Resolving and (Dual)Coloring alongside (Dual)Dominating in (Neutrosophic)n-SuperHyperGraph.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research – Zenodo, Nov. 2022, https://oa.mg/work/10.5281/zenodo.6319942

Article#133 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) (2023) 35-47. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/some-super-hyper-degrees-and-cosuper-hyper-degrees-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-super-hyper-graphs-alongside-a.pdf)

Article#216 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) (2023) 136-148. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf)

Article#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

Article#107 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) (2023) 221-307. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf)

Article #93

JCTCSR: https://opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/neutrosophic-codegree-and-neutrosophic-degree-alongside-chromatic-numbers-in-the-setting-of-some-classes-related-to-neut.pdf

Article #105

JMTCM: http://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/super-hyper-dominating-and-super-hyper-resolving-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-their-directions-in-game-theory-.pdf
@Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/617724162/
@Academia: https://www.academia.edu/94277183
@Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/record/7502659
@Wordpress: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com/2023/01/03/failed-superhyperstable-13henry-garrett-super-hyper-dominating-and-super-hyper-resolving-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-their-directions-in-game-theory-and-neutrosophic-super-hyper/

Article#216 (JMTCM)

JMTCM: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf
@ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/369550013
@Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/634032452
@ZENODO_ORG: https://zenodo.org/record/7774581
@academia: https://www.academia.edu/99171142

Article#241 (CTMC)

CTMC: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf
@ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371492576
@Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/652394235
@ZENODO_ORG: https://zenodo.org/record/8027402
@academia: https://www.academia.edu/103232026

Article#107 (JMTCM)

JMTCM: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-articles/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf
@ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/371905068
@Scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/655797517
@ZENODO_ORG: https://zenodo.org/record/8088145
@academia: https://www.academia.edu/103957481


Also, the following is one of my book which is published in Ohio:
-E-publishing:  Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States  ISBN 978-1-59973-725-6

-Henry Garrett, (2022). “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”, Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-735-6 (http://fs.unm.edu/BeyondNeutrosophicGraphs.pdf).

Henry Garrett, (2022). “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”, Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-735-6 (http://fs.unm.edu/BeyondNeutrosophicGraphs.pdf).

-Indexed By Google Scholar

Indexed By Google Scholar

-More than 300 readers in Scribd.

More information at:

Henry Garrett, (2022). “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”, Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-735-6 (http://fs.unm.edu/BeyondNeutrosophicGraphs.pdf).
Henry Garrett, (2022). “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”, Ohio: E-publishing: Educational Publisher 1091 West 1st Ave Grandview Heights, Ohio 43212 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-735-6 (http://fs.unm.edu/BeyondNeutrosophicGraphs.pdf).


Also, the following is one of my book which is published in Florida:

-GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States

-Henry Garrett, (2022). “Neutrosophic Duality”, Florida: GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-743-0 (http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicDuality.pdf).

Henry Garrett, (2022). “Neutrosophic Duality”, Florida: GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-743-0 (http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicDuality.pdf).

-Indexed By Google Scholar.

-More than 1000 readers in Scribd.

More information at:

Henry Garrett, (2022). “Neutrosophic Duality”, Florida: GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-743-0 (http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicDuality.pdf).
Henry Garrett, (2022). “Neutrosophic Duality”, Florida: GLOBAL KNOWLEDGE – Publishing House 848 Brickell Ave Ste 950 Miami, Florida 33131 United States. ISBN: 978-1-59973-743-0 (http://fs.unm.edu/NeutrosophicDuality.pdf).


I’m Editorial Board Member in Journal of Mathematical Techniques and Computational Mathematics(JMTCM)

I’m Editorial Board Member in Journal of Current Trends in Computer Science Research(JCTCSR).

I’m a peer reviewer in International Journal of Industrial Mathematics (IJIM)  and Journal of Mathematical Extension (JME) as current journal roles.

My Memberships and ORCID iD:

Scientific societies: American Mathematical Society (2017 – Present)

-ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2840-4213

Grants and awards: 

-Honorary Membership in Neutrosophic Science International Association (Diploma is attached) Award Awarded January 2022

-Distinguished Achievement in Neutrosophics (Diploma is attached) Award Awarded January 2022 

-First Grade: 1st among M.Sci. students of Pure Mathematics Award Awarded September 2016

Mathematician | Author | Scientist | Puzzler 

Main Account is in Twitter: @DrHenryGarrett 

Author’s Amazon ID #B09D9JS1LD

My Books are referred: http://amzn.com/s?k=B09D9JS1LD

Author’s Homepage In Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/author/drhenrygarrett

Articles And Related Information:http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2840-4213

©B09D9JS1LD | @DrHenryGarrett




P.S. To Access |LATEST CV: DATE BACK on September 27, 2023| Via The World Wide Web, Visit:

“SuperHyperGraph-Based Books”

“SuperHyperGraph-Based Essays”

Available at @WordPress @ResearchGate @Scribd @academia @ZENODO_ORG @Twitter @facebook @LinkedIn @Tumblrsupport @tumblr @Amazon @googlebooks @GooglePlay

“SuperHyperGraph-Based Books”

“SuperHyperGraph-Based Essays”

P.S. To Access |LATEST CV: DATE BACK on September 27, 2023| Via The World Wide Web, Visit:

“SuperHyperGraph-Based Essays”

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Essay #93 (JCTCSR)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04).

Essay #105 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09).

Essay #108 (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Garrett, Henry. “0049 | (Failed)1-Zero-Forcing Number in Neutrosophic Graphs.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research – Zenodo, Feb. 2022, https://oa.mg/work/10.13140/rg.2.2.35241.26724.

Essay #109 (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research)

Garrett, Henry. “-(Dual)Resolving and (Dual)Coloring alongside (Dual)Dominating in (Neutrosophic)n-SuperHyperGraph.” CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research – Zenodo, Nov. 2022, https://oa.mg/work/10.5281/zenodo.6319942

Essay#133 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) (2023) 35-47. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.02.01.05).

Essay#216 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancer’s Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) (2023) 136-148. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf)

Essay#107 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) (2023) 221-307. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf)

Essay#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

Essay #93

JCTCSR: https://opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-codegree-and-neutrosophic-degree-alongside-chromatic-numbers-in-the-setting-of-some-classes-related-to-neut.pdf

Essay #105

JMTCM: http://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/super-hyper-dominating-and-super-hyper-resolving-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-their-directions-in-game-theory-.pdf
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Essay#216 (JMTCM)

JMTCM: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf
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Essay#107 (JMTCM)

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Essay#241 (CTMC)

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Essay #93 (JCTCSR)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Essay #105 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Essay#133 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) (2023) 35-47. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.02.01.05).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Essay#216 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancers Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) (2023) 136-148. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets–5309.html


Essay#107 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) (2023) 221-307. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros-5725.html


Essay#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (doi: 10.33140/CTMC.02.01.03).

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot-5648.html


Essay #93 (JCTCSR)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-codegree-and-neutrosophic-degree-alongside-chromatic-numbers-in-the-setting-of-some-classes-related-to-neut.pdf

Abstract: https://www.opastpublishers.com/peer-review/neutrosophic-codegree-and-neutrosophic-degree-alongside-chromatic-numbers-in-the-setting-of-some-classes-related-to-neut-5209.html

Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/neutrosophic-codegree-and-neutrosophic-degree-alongside-chromatic-numbers-in-the-setting-of-some-classes-related-to-neut-5209.html

Volume: https://www.opastpublishers.com/table-contents/jctcsr-volume-2-issue-1-year-2023

Essay #105 (JMTCM)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Essay#133 (JMTCM)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.





Essay#216 (JMTCM)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets–5309.html


Essay#107 (JMTCM)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros-5725.html


Essay#241 (CTMC)

The links to PDF, its abstract, its citation and the volume are as follows.

PDF: https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf


Citation: https://www.opastpublishers.com/citation/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot-5648.html



Essay #93 (JCTCSR)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04).


Essay #105

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09)


Essay#133 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Some Super Hyper Degrees and Co-Super Hyper Degrees on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs And Super Hyper Graphs Alongside Applications in Cancer’s Treatments”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(1) (2023) 35-47. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/some-super-hyper-degrees-and-cosuper-hyper-degrees-on-neutrosophic-super-hyper-graphs-and-super-hyper-graphs-alongside-a.pdf)


216 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “A Research on Cancers Recognition and Neutrosophic Super Hypergraph by Eulerian Super Hyper Cycles and Hamiltonian Sets as Hyper Covering Versus Super separations”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(3) (2023) 136-148. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/a-research-on-cancers-recognition-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-by-eulerian-super-hyper-cycles-and-hamiltonian-sets-.pdf)


Essay#107 (JMTCM)

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic 1-Failed SuperHyperForcing in the SuperHyperFunction to Use Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs on Cancer’s Neutrosophic Recognition and Beyond”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 2(6) (2023) 221-307. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/neutrosophic-1failed-superhyperforcing-in-the-superhyperfunction-to-use-neutrosophic-superhypergraphs-on-cancers-neutros.pdf)


Essay#241 (CTMC)

Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

[HG32b] Henry Garrett, “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6320305).

-Indexed by Google Scholar.
-5672 READERS in @Scribd.

@GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=Eh-rEAAAQBAJ
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[HG44b] H. Garrett, “Neutrosophic Duality”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6677173).

-Indexed by Google Scholar.
-6661 READERS in @Scribd.

@GooglePlay: https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=mB2rEAAAQBAJ
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[HG32b] Henry Garrett, “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6320305).

Cited by a scientific research Essay is out by the publisher “American Scientific Publishing Group (ASPG)” and the journal “Neutrosophic and Information Fusion”

Six numbers of scientific research essays are highlighted and featured in the homepage of the journal in the #fancy and beautiful style.

Aside the #fancy words, “CELEBRITY PHOTO”, “CELEBRITY CYBER”, there are new #STAR titles for me: “CELEBRITY ESSAYS”|“CELEBRITY JOURNAL”.

I would like to inform you that my position needs no further modifications before it can be announced publicly on “American Journal of Computer Science and Technology”.

It is with honor that I must inform you that my following position has been accepted for announcement.

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I would like to recommend updating the literature I cite to include more recent certificates from scientific venues.

I would like to thank you to @SciencePG and to “American Journal of Computer Science and Technology” for your support.

And wish you every success in the future.

PDF by @Wordpress: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/certificate_for_reviewer.pdf

My name and affiliation is listed on the

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“LATEST ALERT” from “Google Scholar Alerts scholaralerts-noreply@google.com” on “SuperHyperGraph” for “new results” only has “ONE” research scientific Essay.

My “Essay#241 (CTMC)” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert for “new results”.


Henry Garrett, “New Ideas In Recognition of Cancer And Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph As Hyper Tool On Super Toot”, Curr Trends Mass Comm 2(1) (2023) 32-55. (https://www.opastpublishers.com/open-access-Essays/new-ideas-in-recognition-of-cancer-and-neutrosophic-super-hypergraph-as-hyper-tool-on-super-toot.pdf)

|“Current Trends in Mass Communication (ISO CTMC) | URL https://www.opastpublishers.com/journal/current-trends-in-mass-communication”.

| My #Essay has been assigned to DOI |

Henry Garrett, “Neutrosophic Co-degree and Neutrosophic Degree alongside Chromatic Numbers in the Setting of Some Classes Related to Neutrosophic Hypergraphs”, J Curr Trends Comp Sci Res 2(1) (2023) 16-24. (doi: 10.33140/JCTCSR.02.01.04)

| #DOI |

Henry Garrett, “Super Hyper Dominating and Super Hyper Resolving on Neutrosophic Super Hyper Graphs and Their Directions in Game Theory and Neutrosophic Super Hyper Classes”, J Math Techniques Comput Math 1(3) (2022) 242-263. (doi: 10.33140/JMTCM.01.03.09)

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[HG11] Henry Garrett, “Metric Number in Dimension”, Preprints 2021, 2021060004 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202106.0004.v1).

Cited by a scientific research Essay is out by the publisher “Hindawi” and the journal “Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society”

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Have a good and healthy day.

“#FUNDING #SOURCES” are provided on six scientific research essays for me as single-first-author in six scientific research essays


Link of my publication list

-Email: @DrHenryGarrett (DrHenryGarrett@gmail.com)

-Website: @DrHenryGarrett (https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com)

-Amazon: @DrHenryGarrett (https://www.amzn.com/author/drhenrygarrett)

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-Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=enuser=SUjFCmcAAAAJview_op=list_workssortby=pubdate

[HG313] Henry Garrett, “Recognition of Cancer With Bipartite and Path as Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraph By the Tool Called Stability”, Preprints 2023, 2023081972 (doi: 10.20944/preprints202308.1972.v1).


ISSN (electronic) 2310-287X

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Advisory Board @Preprints_org | Reviewer @SciencePG | Editorial Board JMTCM JCTCSR | Reviewer JFEA JME IJIM | @DrHenryGarrett: Email, Website, Amazon, Twitter, Goodreads Author, Academia, Facebook Page, Scribd, LinkedIn| Amazon: https://www.amzn.com/author/drhenrygarrett | Website: https://drhenrygarrett.wordpress.com

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[HG44b] H. Garrett, “Neutrosophic Duality”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6677173). 

Cited by a scientific research book is out by the publisher “Springer” and the “Conference paper”

[HG32b] Henry Garrett, “Beyond Neutrosophic Graphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.6320305).

Cited by a scientific research book is out by the publisher “Springer” and the “Conference paper”

I would like to inform you that my #Galley_Proofs needs no further modifications before it can be announced publicly on “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research”.

It is with honor that that my following #Galley_Proofs has been accepted for announcement.

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I would like to thank you for your support on “International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Research (ISSN: 2789-9160) (ISO IJPAMR) | URL https://www.svedbergopen.com/journals/ijpamr/about-the-journal/”.

And wish you every success in the future.

I would like to thank you for your support on “Dussmann das KulturKaufhaus
Friedrichstraße 90
10117 Berlin”.

And wish you every success in the future.


“Book #194”

[HG194b] Henry Garrett, “Stable In Neutrosophic SuperHyperGraphs”. Dr. Henry Garrett, 2023 (doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8210033).

Available at @WordPress @ResearchGate @Scribd @academia @ZENODO_ORG @Twitter @facebook @LinkedIn @Amazon @googlebooks @GooglePlay @AmazonKindle

“LATEST ALERT” from “Google Scholar Alerts scholaralerts-noreply@google.com” on “neutrosophic” for “new results” only debuts “FIRST” research scientific book.

My “Book #194 | [HG194b] ” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert for “new results”.

“LATEST ALERT” from “Google Scholar Alerts scholaralerts-noreply@google.com” on “superhypergraph” for “new results” only debuts “ONE” research scientific book.

My “Book #194 | [HG194b] ” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert for “new results”.

“LATEST ALERT” from “Google Scholar Alerts scholaralerts-noreply@google.com” on “neutrosophic” for “new results” only debuts “THIRD” research scientific essay.

My “Essay #104 | [HG104] ” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert for “new results”.

“LATEST ALERT” from “Google Scholar Alerts scholaralerts-noreply@google.com” on “superhypergraph” for “new results” only debuts “ONE” research scientific essay.

My “Essay #104 | [HG104]” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert for “new results”.

“LATEST ALERT” from “@UNM https://fs.unm.edu/SN/” on “Scientific Articles” for “new results” only debuts “THREE” research scientific essay from me.

My “Essay #104 | [HG104]” has been indexed by Google Scholar for further future as latest alert from “@UNM”.

“LATEST ALERT” from “@UNM https://fs.unm.edu/SN/” on “Scientific Articles” for “new results” only debuts “THREE” research scientific essay from me.

My “Essay #111 #94 #104 | [HG111,HG94,HG104]” has been latest alerts from “@UNM”.

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